2020 Scholarship - video

Scholarship speach 2020
“In a year that has brought the entire world to a standstill, dance is possibly the art form that is most intensely affected by the inability to be physically present. Though dance, like most art, is often created and practiced in solitude, it, more than any other performing art form only truly exists when it is shared with others physically.
The resilience of the dance community across the globe has been extraordinary; new forms have developed, new ways of sharing the joy of dance have emerged. The ability to rise to an occasion, to refuse to back down in the face of adversity is often considered a hallmark of a dancer. But however steadfast and steeled dancers are when it comes to keeping their art alive, it is not possible without support.
Since its inception in 1997 the mission of the NRH Foundation has been to help Danish dancers and choreographers fulfill their desire to share, to learn, to be inspired by and in turn to inspire others through their art. Over the years the Danish dance community has grown to include everything from the classical ballet, which Neel Resling Halpern loved dearly, to newly minted dance forms that are evolving before our eyes.
This constant evolution in dance is what the NRH Foundation is particularly proud to support through its grants and awards. In this annus horibilis we are doubly excited to announce that the 2020 NRH award has been presented to two exciting voices in the world of Danish dance: please see the video to witness our first virtual gala and awardees….” -Peter Brandenhoff, The Neel Resling Halpern Foundation Board trustee
Se venligst videoen for at overvære vores første virtuelle galla og prismodtagere….”
-Peter Brandenhoff, bestyrelsesforvalter for Neel Resling Halpern Foundation